Instrument Status (Last updated: 2024/02/24 00:26:41)
Run Number: 137329 Title:  Pipe [14.861,-7.483,-0.300,*]
Run Status:  running Last Script Activity:  2024/02/23 12:56:09: Start run 137329; mah 1800000 move 14.861 -7.483 -0.300 *
View full script Next Script Command:  mah 1800000 move 15.554 -7.881 -2.400 *
Proposal#: 9581Sample#: 2010920MAH:  0Monitor:  0Beam Current:  0Shutter Status:  OPEN
Used disk space on /home:  40%Used disk space on /disk2:  12%Mod. Stat.: Water Mode, Mon/MAH = 1.000Guide Vacuum Pump Hours: 1Guide Vacuum: 80 mTorrIncident/GetLost Vacuum: 80 mTorr
Crate Status
T0's in Run 00000
T0's Processed 00000
Events 00000
Crate State runningrunningrunningrunningrunning
Used disk space 6%24%24%24%27%
Translator and Collimation
X: 14.865 Y: -7.485 Z: -0.310 R: 19.000  
ARM: 175.000 FUD: 1.999 FLR: 1.999 CUD: 10.219 CLR: 11.476 
Load Frame
Position: 0.000 Stress: 0.000 Strain: 0.000 Load Frame response: Waveform Ended
Position Min: N/A Stress Min: N/A Strain Min: N/A Cycles: 0   
Position Max: N/A Stress Max: N/A Strain Max: N/A    
High Temperature Vacuum Furnace
High Temperature Vacuum Furnace epcis channels not available
Rotation and Goniometer
RotStage: N/A    Phi: N/A Theta: N/A
Lakeshore336 Controller
Lakeshore336 EPICS channels not available
Lakeshore340 Controller
Lakeshore340 EPICS channels not available
Lakeshore331 Controller
Lakeshore332 EPICS channels not available
Lakeshore332 Controller
Lakeshore332 EPICS channels not available
IR Furnace
IR Furnace epcis channels not available
MKS Pressure
MKS Pressure epcis channels not available
Temperature Channels
TC01: 0.000 TC02: 0.000 TC03: 0.000 TC04: 0.000 CJ01: 0.000 CJ02: 0.000
TC05: 0.000 TC06: 0.000 TC07: 0.000 TC08: 0.000 CJ03: 0.000 CJ04: 0.000
Do0: 0.000 Do1: 0.000 Do2: 0.000 Do3: 0.000
Di4: 0.000 Di5: 0.000 Di6: 0.000 Di7: 0.000